Can Your Office Stop a Coccus

November 10-11, 2023

Location:1000 Club Rd, Greensboro, NC

Can Your Office Stop a Coccus

NCAGD Members: $1200
Non-Members: $1450
Staff: $425
CE HOURS: 16 hours
SPEAKER: Dr. Brian Novy

Hands-on course
Every clinician strives to improve patient care, and yet even the simplest ideas for improving oral health sometimes seem insurmountable. How can you be expected to do more in every appointment while also navigating non-compliant patients, different therapeutics, flip-flopping tongues, and bleeding gums while battling an enemy that might as well be invisible?
Despite the inherent challenges of oral healthcare, there are exciting developments in the clinical world with reinforced and bioactive materials that are making some wild, yet substantiated claims. If you feel discouraged while helping high caries-risk patients with a lack of saliva, there are dental materials that may help. The mouth is an amazing environment that can be a wonderful workplace…even when it’s attached to the most xerostomic patient you’ve ever seen.
At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to:
  • Implement disease management in practice
  • Produce a more favorable ecologic balance within high-risk mouths
  • Create restorations that resist recurrent dental caries
  • Combine materials to improve bond strength and prognosis
  • Reduce burnout and improve the experience of providing patient care